Monday, April 19, 2010

Barbecue Chicken Pizza!

Tonight, my family's favorite meal that I make: BBQ Chicken Pizza.

Look at how my family ate half of it before I could take a picture... I'd complain more, but I took a slice before I took a picture, too. Guilty as charged.

  • 1 pre-made Pizza Dough (Hannaford's carries them so I never make homemade dough, but there are more recipes for pizza dough than one can imagine)
  • 1/2-3/4 cup Barbecue Sauce (Bullseye brand is the best, but the cheap stuff works fine too)
  • 2 Medium Chicken Breasts, trimmed and cubed
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 12 oz.(1 bag) Mozzarella cheese
  • 1 handful Parmesan cheese (use the cheap stuff)
  • 1 tsp. Parsley
  • Dried Oregano/Basil/Red Pepper/Italian Seasoning, to taste
  • Olive Oil
1. Preheat your broiler to high. If you don't have a broiler, heat up some olive oil in a frying pan, or start up your grill.
2. If using broiler method, sprinkle some olive oil onto a baking sheet. Add chicken, making sure that the olive oil gets on each piece. Sprinkle with salt and pepper (Don't tread lightly with the pepper, you'll want it or else you'll get flavorless chicken) Cook chicken in broiler for about 7 minutes, checking and turning halfway through. After it's done, preheat your oven to 450 F.
  • If you're frying or grilling it, do the same thing pretty much, just wait until it cooks.
3. Meanwhile, take your pizza dough (that you bought or made earlier, of course) and spread it onto a greased pizza stone/baking sheet/or whatever you have. If you want, pour like a half of a tbsp. of olive oil into the pizza to make it more fabulous.
4. Add your 1/2 cup of barbecue sauce to the pizza dough. Spread it around. If it doesn't look like enough, add more! Then add about half of your cheeses and dried seasonings. Put on the cooked chicken, making sure to spread it out. Add the last half of your cheese over the chicken. Top with parsley and more dried seasonings, if desired.

At this point, it should look kind of like this:
Weird smudge on this photo would be olive oil that landed from my hands onto my lens.

5. Cook for 10-15 minutes on 450 F or until the cheese is bubbling and browning a bit and the crust is crisp.

I like to pair this with garlic knots(or bread!) and a nice romaine salad.

Also, I think adding some fresh minced garlic to this would be a fine decision. Same with adding Romano or Cheddar cheese. Another note is that I suppose you could use the block Parmesan cheese, but why bother when it's just going to get melted down and mixed/lost with the flavor of others? It's so expensive. Save the good stuff for Chicken Parmesan!


Mardell said...

Hi Britt! Looks delicious! I am a huge pizza fan & will certainly be giving this a try. Thank you. Your blog is really cool. Looking forward to more fantastic recipes.

BTW, I'm right there with ya about washing dishes. If I had a dishwasher (machine or human), then it wouldn't be so bad!

** Happy Birthday! **

Baba said...

Happy Birthday Chickie!!!!!!

Oh wow, does that look good!

I third the whole dish washing thing - I keep thinking that the dish washing fairies will soon find my kitchen and take over any day now...

Tina❀ said...

That looks great! Yum!
Hey, I have a dish washer, your welcome to come here and cook anytime. LOL.
BTW, happy birthday!